I designed Party— a new feature within Netflix that allows you to watch shows & movies together.
My little brother means the world to me. Because I live in a different state we don't see each other as often but we love to talk about movies. Once a week we call eachother on facetime and watch Netflix together on our respective couches, this is our way to connect. This is the same for a lot of people I know, movies are a way people bond. I wanted to create a way for friends & family to share that same bonding, movie watching experiences over long distances.
The Problem
Netflix has a vast potential to bring its users together on their platform to create a sense of community.
The connection of Netflix users is shown across all social platforms except Netflix itself. Netflix has a vast potential to bring its users together on their platform to create a sense of community. Netflix can be a place where entertainment lovers connect and share what they've watched and can watch together in real-time.
Trying to press play at the same time.
“Whats the name of that show?”
The Opportunity
We live in a super interactive world where strangers engage on various platforms.
Why not add a social/community component into tv streaming services such as Netflix? By not having that feature, people are forced to open up other platforms to discuss. Theres an opportunity to increase the in app engagement by adding a community
The Solution
Party: A space for Netflix users bond,connect and watch a show together
Netflix party is a space for Netflix is users to be able to watch a show together when they’re not in the same room and interact watching shows real time with friends with Party users are able to:
- Watch Netflix shows togther
- See what your friends are watching
- Connect over common shows
Added Features
These added features are implimented within the Netflix app to make party work!
Party Invite
a feature that pops up when friends invite you to party.
Party Button
a feature that allows for quick access to Party with friends
Party Icon
a feature that allows access to Party from the "Show" & "Watch" screens.
Host & Party Members
Host are users who start a Party, this can be anyone! They also can:
- Request & Approve
- Controls Play & Pause
- Post watch parties
Party Members are users invited to Party. They also can:
- See what friends are watching
- Join Partys
Friends Home
Instead of users, Netflix will have "friends." This new interaction based system allows for the Netflix community to connect over the app. With the addition of friends you will be able to see what other users are watching, have watched and recommended.
“Have you watched any good shows lately?”
All Friends
The All friends screen allows you to view all of your "friends". You can also request, accept, & deny potential users. This may be easy to think about as who your following.
How to Party?
Partying is easy, all you have to do is:
1. Open up Netflix!
Crack open Netflix on any device.
2. Invite your friends.
Use the Party button to easily search for your friends.
3. Your invite is sent
Invites are then sent to your friends.
4. Time to Party!
Enjoy the show with your friends!
Further Steps
Movies & TV will always be a large part of how we communicate it. The Party is just getting started! There are so many more ideas I have that would add to more depth to Party. A chat option would be great, as well as an emoji reaction button for those intense parts in the movie.
My Role
Research / Creative Concept / Branding / UX / UI / Prototyping
Independent Study
Photoshop / Illustrator / After Effects